
Native Strategy is an international strategic consulting firm created to support its clients through transformative challenges that accelerate their growth.
Through the development of original and tailor-made growth paths, Native Strategy enables the qualification of tangible value creation opportunities, which are reflected in the design of effective and competitive business and operational models.
We are a team of over 100 professionals in Europe, with a strategic vision capability that is complemented by the pragmatism derived from our consultants' entrepreneurial background and familiarity with cutting-edge technologies, also through the extended teams with specialized skills of the BIP group.
We command deep sectoral know-how and have developed distinctive competencies in various areas:
• Growth Strategy
• M&A, Transaction, and PMI
• Business Model Innovation and Venture Design
• Tech and Digital Strategy
• Go-to-Market Strategy
• Brand and Marketing Strategy
• Digital Marketing
Native Strategy deploys a dedicated multi-disciplinary team for each mission, also through the experience and technological capabilities of the BIP Group.
Native Strategy è una società di consulenza strategica internazionale nata per accompagnare i propri clienti nelle sfide trasformative che ne accelerano la crescita.
Attraverso lo sviluppo di percorsi di crescita originali e tailor-made, Native Strategy permette di qualificare le concrete opportunità di creazione di valore, che si riflettono in un disegno di modelli di business e operativi efficaci e competitivi.
Siamo un team di oltre 100 professionisti In Europa, con una capacità di visione strategica che si accompagna alla concretezza che deriva dalla estrazione imprenditoriale dei nostri consulenti e familiarità con le tecnologie più innovative, anche attraverso i team allargati alle competenze specialistiche del gruppo BIP.
Possediamo un profondo know-how settoriale ed abbiamo sviluppato competenze distintive in diverse aree:
• Growth Strategy
• M&A, Transaction and PMI
• Business Model Innovation and Venture Design
• Tech and Digital Strategy
• Go-to-Market Strategy
• Brand and Marketing Strategy
• Digital Marketing
Native Strategy mobilita per ogni missione un team dedicato multi-disciplinare, anche attraverso l’esperienza e le capabilities tecnologiche di BIP Group.