The first cross-border initiative dedicated to training and business matching meetings to support the growth and international expansion processes of companies on the markets of the two countries gets underway
Rome/Paris, 15 December 2021 – Italian and French companies, particularly SMEs and Mid-Caps, now have a new solution they can leverage to accelerate their international expansion and successfully position their businesses into their respective markets in Italy and France. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Bpifrance, ELITE-Euronext Group and Team France Export announce the launch of the French-Italian Accelerator, the first joint programme between France and Italy to guide the growth of companies through dedicated training sessions and increase business opportunities among companies in the two countries by planning bilateral meetings.
The initiative kickstarts today with a first group of around 40 French and Italian ambitious companies operating in the manufacturing and service sectors. The programme will be rolled out into six sessions, each one two days long, taking place between France and Italy. The first day of each session will be dedicated to training, while the second will be focused on business matching meetings.
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