19 Jun 23

1.What does "entrepreneurship" means, according to you?
Being or becoming an entrepreneur is a path of continuous growth that involves lots of aspects of the most private and personal nature of those who are preparing to make this journey. Entrepreneurship does not only mean having ideas and turning them into business; enterprising, in my opinion, starts from the ability to discover one's talent and, with responsibility and courage, get it into action; in the same way, it means identifying the resources with the potential to fulfil and motivate their expression.

2.What has been the most significant experience or lesson you gained along your path?
I worked in the production department for months and nights in my family's small company; I gained knowledge and experience doing my job. After understanding the company's potential, I found my "balance", and looking around me, I identified some objectives, focused on them and set a starting point looking for the way to reach them. I can therefore say that perhaps the most important lesson was to understand, or rather live on my skin, that to achieve a goal, you have to start from solid bases of knowledge and then remain focused on the goals you want to achieve, overcoming the inevitable obstacles that sooner or later might come. 

3.How does Laborplast stand out in the competitive context?
Our company operates in a low developed sector. We invest significant resources to improve our structure and propose ourselves with an adequate "business card" to companies and markets, which are increasingly demanding qualified and developed suppliers. In the field of PVC recycling, there is still a lot that can be done, especially in sustainability. Corporate responsibility is a core theme of Laborplast's way of being and operating: every action is based on the essential balance between competitiveness and sustainability. The added value given by the nature of our business is realised by giving new life to waste materials, transforming them into valuable and reusable products in different sectors through a responsible process at every stage, capable of adapting both to the most innovative technologies and to the needs of an aching planet, toward which we all must commit ourselves to develop more appropriate solutions. 

4.What is your personal and professional slogan?
My father taught me not to neglect the wisdom of proverbs: you can plant the seed you want, but you will only reap the fruits of what you have produced.  

5.ELITE: the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized enterprises grow and access private and public capital markets. Why is this an opportunity that other companies need to consider?
ELITE is a valuable program for companies ready to take up the changes and opportunities that the future, in an increasingly sustainable perspective, will present to all sectors. This is the goal and the spirit with which we have joined the network, with the deep belief that growth must be pursued not only on the economic front of the business but also on the environmental and social ones. Creating positive impacts for the people who contribute to success, the territory that hosts us and where we were born, the industry as a whole, and the global world are the ambitious goals for which we work every day with infinite passion. 

Would you tell your Inspiring Story?