Interview to Vittorio De Luca, Managing Partner of De Luca & Partners
What does “entrepreneurship” mean to you?
Entrepreneurship has always been a driving force for the national economy and also has a strong impact on social and cultural development.
Today, as in the past, business naturally and inevitably contributes to the progress of the country’s economy and people’s lives by generating opportunities and well-being, including through the creation of jobs.
Today, more than ever, business involves an exchange of ideas and models on a global scale, as entrepreneurs can no longer concentrate all their resources on seizing new opportunities but must also lead groups and associations and mentor other entrepreneurs, thus transferring their knowledge on a large scale.
More recently, the development of widespread awareness – as well as with the introduction of progressive legal obligations – of the need for corporate sustainability and social responsibility, has confirmed the social role of business.
On closer inspection, this is nothing new, as the underlying principles have been well-known for several decades - just think of the ideas and initiatives of successful entrepreneurs such as Adriano Olivetti. However, what is striking today is the rapid spread of CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility among companies.
What values distinguish De Luca & Partners in its approach to SMEs?
For almost 50 years, De Luca & Partners, a law firm specialising in employment law, has focussed on establishing a personalised relationship with clients, based on mutual trust and the sharing of values and objectives. Expertise, professional confidentiality, independence, efficiency, proactivity, transparency are the values that have guided our business since 1976. In addition, De Luca & Partners has consistently invested in employee training and technological innovation to optimise processes and share knowledge. The Firm has always been at the forefront in its choice of IT, technological and communication facilities. Our philosophy is that knowledge sharing is strategic: pooling everyone’s experience so that it becomes a common asset to be drawn on for the benefit of clients is a key factor nowadays and undoubtedly a distinctive element in terms of efficiency and success.
Digital technologies allow us to scale operations more efficiently by enabling us to reach out to all our contacts faster and remove physical distances, thus creating a global network in which we involve customers, collaborators and partners and which we constantly try to increase and develop over time.
We therefore strive for mutual and synergistic growth. Our view is that business also brings expertise, its network and the ability to increase the value of the company.
The Firm has always made ethics and social responsibility a cornerstone of its organisation and action. Today, in the era of CSR, even more so. In 2023, the Firm catalogued all the initiatives it has historically put in place in the field of environmental protection, social concern and clear governance, to draw up and approve its first non-financial financial statements, thus officially opening a new important chapter in its development.
When it comes to ethics, we have always applied a strict code and expect our employees to comply with it without compromise. To cite a practical example, several decades ago – and therefore well before the legislator began to take an interest in the issue – we abolished the use of cash by the Firm both for payments of even very small amounts, and for the collection of our invoices.
When do companies benefit most from your support (business changes, launch of new products/services..)?
We advise international companies at every single stage of their lives and at every stage of their business. We have always assisted companies in their day-to-day activities as well as in times of intensified development or reorganisation, as well as in the protection of their rights in court.
While we are successful litigators, we like to call ourselves negotiators or better yet solution builders.
It is no coincidence that none of the trade union negotiations in which we have been involved in our 50-year history has ever resulted in litigation. Our Mission is to be a “one stop shop” for all business-related issues for Italian and foreign companies operating in Italy.
Our services cover everything from employment law, agency law, social security law, employment tax law, trade unions, so-called mobility with related assistance for work residence permits to employment consultancy and payroll processing.
The assistance provided by De Luca & Partners (which is involved on a daily basis in complex transactions in which trade union relations play a central and decisive role) is not limited to technical aspects but extends to defining and deciding on strategic choices and direct confrontation with trade unions, the management of collective employment problems and to an increasing extent, due to the current recessionary conditions, the analysis of real social emergency scenarios.
De Luca & Partners focuses on the fairness and professionalism of the confrontation and on the utmost integrity in relationships with counterparties, as necessary prerequisites to allow the achievement of the contractual objectives identified with the client.
Why is ELITE a distinctive network worth being part of?
Being part of ELITE means being part of a well-established network of relationships, a community of companies and managers who share experiences, challenges and opportunities and who have already made and are committed daily to making the leap into corporate culture that consists of affirming their success without compromising on compliance with regulations, on the implementation of clear and codified processes and procedures, on ethics and social responsibility.
For De Luca & Partners it is a network that represents an opportunity to provide information on specific issues of interest to us through the various networks of associated professionals and that allows us to consolidate, supplement and improve our technical and personal skills.