As Plino's CEO, I see entrepreneurship as a coin with two sides: the creative side and the scientific one. Processes must be approached with study, method and rigor, which are aspects proper to science. To start and grow a business you must have a solid foundation, which means having objective evidence to support your enterprise and well-structured and defined processes. However, when it comes to entrepreneurship you also have to be a bit creative: you have to be able to analyze situations from a different perspective in order to bring continuous innovation and stay in the market.
What is the biggest experience or lesson gained on your growth journey so far?
Whatever your daily activities and stage of growth, it is largely all about human relationships. Whether you are dealing with an associate, a customer or supplier, an investor, or any professional, it is all about initiating, cultivating, and growing relationships. Not only in sales, but also in team building and process structuring, the interaction will have at least one human counterpart. Being a good entrepreneur means being able to build relationships and be empathetic, listening and convincing stakeholders about the goodness of your business.
How is your company acting as a game changer in the landscape?
We are among the first Generative-AI driven companies in the field of accounting, finance and control for SMEs. We identified Generative AI early on as a huge opportunity to innovate in an industry that has remained historically uninnovative in the past few years. We propose an extremely intuitive solution for the SME manager, who in seconds can get insights from accounting, financial and control data to make data-driven decisions using generative AI. Together, we are all moved by the desire to leverage this emerging new technology to make an impact on Europe's economy, helping thousands of entrepreneurs create more value for their companies.
What Should Your Life Motto Be?
“Experience and competence are not the same thing”. At Plino, we are a young team with multidisciplinary skills. We cannot boast of decades of experience in this area, but having experience does not necessarily mean having acquired skills. Therefore, it is not mathematical, and if, like us, you are a young entrepreneur, you need to leverage the skills you have acquired in recent years. In this context, as a team at Plino we bring strong AI-related technological expertise that enables us to achieve excellent results, while being relatively new to the accounting, finance and control industry in which we operate.
ELITE: the European network of private SMEs which accelerates the process to access private and public capital markets. Why it can be the game changing opportunity companies should consider?
We are proud to be part of a program that puts companies at the center to support them in their growth. ELITE is an opportunity for exchange and comparison with all the companies in the network. We consider this a fundamental step for our and every company's growth: it is essential to build relationships that lead to the creation of value through the exchange of complementary skills. ELITE should be seen as a necessary growth path to take in order to access capital markets effectively, and finance the growth of one's companies with awareness, thanks to the support of ELITE professionals.